The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

After graduation, I stayed in State College, working for Landy Jacobs and Associates, owned by Frank Landy and Rick Jacobs, two PSU professors. I enjoyed a six-year career in industrial psychology, developing and administering entry-level and promotion tests for fire and police departments. In 1991, I married Daniel DiCamillo, a consulting forester and Penn State grad. We stayed in the State College area until 1996, when I "retired" from consulting and began a new career in home economics and population manufacturing, that is, I quit working and we started a family. At that point, we moved to the wilds of Potter County. In 1996, Christopher was born; in 1999, Dana arrived and finally, in 2001, Nate came along. After 10 years in Potter County, we moved back to civilization in Mansfield, PA, where we still reside. The move to Mansfield brought us closer to Dan's office at the Bureau of Forestry in Wellsboro. I am still staying home and getting the kids through school. It's a pretty good gig, and I feel very fortunate to be able to stay home. I look back fondly on my time at PSU and in State College. I get a particular thrill when I hear that my friends kids have chosen to attend Penn State. I encourage every college-bound student that I meet to attend Penn State so they can I have the Penn State experience we all enjoyed.